Thursday, 6 August 2015


I've been playing around with type classes of late. My type checker and me have had some epic fights. We're not speaking now, it's late and I don't want to get into another shouting match.
Seriously, type classes and type inference don't mesh but they unlock some cool stuff. 

I'm going to wrangle a mangled attempt at printf. Hopefully we come out with something like: printf "Msg1: {}; Msg2: {}" "Hello" "World" == "Msg1: Hello Msg2: World"
We need to parse the format string and be able to move from hole to hole. For that we create a zipper class that will allow us to move from hole to hole in the string as well insert into a hole.

class Zip a where
  type Comp a
  next :: a -> a
  insert :: Comp a -> a -> a

instance Zip ([a], a, [a]) where
  type Comp ([a], a, [a]) = a
  next (l, a, []) = (l, a, [])
  next (l, a, r:rs) = (a:l, r, rs)
  insert x (l, a, r) = (l, x, a:r)
-- We insert before the cursor

instance Zip a => Zip (r -> a) where
  type Comp (r -> a) = Comp a
  -- We push the next function inside the arrow
  next f r = next (f r)
  -- We push the insert function inside the arrow
  insert lx ra r = insert lx (ra r)

We need a parser that will parse the string into a zipper where every time we go 'next' we move to the next hole. For every hole we add an extra empty string for the hole. This helps with holes present at the end of the string.

parser :: String -> ([String], String, [String])
parser s = case l of
      [] -> ([], "", [])
      (x:x':xs) -> ([x], x', xs)
      [x] -> ([x], "", [])
      x = try (manyTill anyChar (string "{" *> manyTill anyChar (char '}'))) <|> many1 anyChar
      l = getRes (many x) [] s >>= (:[""])

As well as its inverse

s_ :: ([String], String, [String]) -> String
s_ (l, x, r) = concat $ reverse l ++ x:r
class Printf a where
  p_ :: String -> a
Base Case 1:
instance Printf ([String], String, [String]) where
    p_ = parser
Inductive Case:
instance (x ~ Comp a, Zip a, Printf a) => Printf (x -> a) where
  -- The first next is to move past the inserted value, the second is to move past the empty string denoting the hole, the final next is to move past the string.
  p_ s x = next . next . next . insert x . p_ $ s

That allows us to do something like this: s_ (p_ "{}, {}, ||| {}" "Hello" "World" "!!!")
p_ now takes an arbitrary number of parameters and attempts to insert them into the holes in the string to be formatted then s_ converts it into the formatted string. It's a bit of a muddled up version of rPrINwtf, but at least I spelt it right.

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