I would say I'm comfortable with a few languages, Java, C++, C and Haskell. The reason I prefer Haskell to the others is for the following reasons.
To me, Haskell is a better software product. The interface offered by the language is much cleaner. For example, using some of the abstractions in C and C++ correctly requires an understanding of their implementation. For Haskell, the only properties we care about are those needed to define the abstraction (mostly)
Speaking of abstractions, types are of course absolutely awesome. They provide the best abstraction yet. Some types perfectly describe their implementation counterpart and much more succinctly. In fact parametricity will guarantee certain theorems hold which is very nice to have and nigh impossible in real-world Java and C++ systems.
In the real world though interfacing with the low level components is essential for performant code, which breaks the nice abstractions. Thats not really reflected over here though.
To me, Haskell is a better software product. The interface offered by the language is much cleaner. For example, using some of the abstractions in C and C++ correctly requires an understanding of their implementation. For Haskell, the only properties we care about are those needed to define the abstraction (mostly)
The language constructs in imperative languages seem less powerful. For example control flow structures like if statements, loops and exceptions are hard-coded into the language, supported by syntax. In a functional language, we can create these control flow structures using functions and manipulate them as first class values.
The abstractions commonly used in functional programming are very powerful. Although they aren't a property of it, the Functor, Monoid, Applicative and Monad abstractions are extremely powerful and general. They provide a framework to manipulate data very rigorously. Using this framework ensures correctness for achieving the particular task.
Speaking of abstractions, types are of course absolutely awesome. They provide the best abstraction yet. Some types perfectly describe their implementation counterpart and much more succinctly. In fact parametricity will guarantee certain theorems hold which is very nice to have and nigh impossible in real-world Java and C++ systems.
Lets say we wanted to implement a function that removes duplicates.
removeDups :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
removeDups = snd . foldl step (S.empty, [])
step (t, acc) a = if S.member a t
then (t, acc)
else (S.insert a t, acc ++ [a])
public static List<A> removeDups(List<A> inp){
HashSet<A> s = new HashSet<A>();
List<A> ans = new List<A>();
for(A a : inp){
step (t, acc) a = if S.member a t
then (t, acc)
else (S.insert a t, acc ++ [a])
public static List<A> removeDups(List<A> inp){
HashSet<A> s = new HashSet<A>();
List<A> ans = new List<A>();
for(A a : inp){
The difference over here is that using the model for iteration through the 'iterate' function we separate out the logic for a single step allowing us to observe and preserve our invariants with greater clarity. The invariant here is that after processing the first i characters, the set contains entries of all distinct characters upto that point and the list is a subsequence of the original having the first occurrence of all distinct characters upto the ith index. We don't have to worry about the edge cases of the string. The logic for collapsing a structure by accumulating the values through a left-right traversal has already been implemented.
In the real world though interfacing with the low level components is essential for performant code, which breaks the nice abstractions. Thats not really reflected over here though.
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